You’re taking Dependencies Wrong

Specifically, you’re logging wrong.

Here’s the deal, we all at some point think “Oh, I need to log some information, better write an abstraction!”

Because we programmers are too afraid (or arrogant) to take dependencies on someone else’s “stuff”, we always write our own abstractions. They’re usually subtly different, but the 99% similarities are:

  1. An ILogger interface of some sort;
  2. A Log(Severity, message) in the ILogger;
  3. Two or three generic logger implementations;

This is basically the bulk of what most implementations call for. Always something like this.

This might look something like the following, in C#:

public enum LoggerLevel : byte
    Error = 0,
    Warning = 100,
    Information = 200,
    Verbose = 255

public interface ILogger
    void Log(LoggerLevel level, string msg);
    void Log<T>(LoggerLevel level, T obj);

Right? This probably looks familiar. This is a pretty common pattern, so common I call it the “logger pattern.”

The purpose is to make it easy to say “Ok, here’s an ILogger, do your thing.” We have a logger sample for something like an in-memory buffer:

public class BaseLogger : ILogger
    private List<string> messages = new List<string>(10000);
    public void Log(LoggerLevel level, string msg)
    public void Log<T>(LoggerLevel level, T obj)

And we say “great, things are done.”

Here’s the deal: this is wrong.

What’s wrong with ILogger?

Well, just about everything.

  1. It requires an implementation for every target logger, this means a lot of boiler-plate code, etc.;
  2. We always mess it up with trying to support “common” targets (AutoFac, for example);

A great person named David Fowler tweeted about this a few days ago:

This is what the .NET library ecosystem looks like today. Say you develop an interesting library/framework that calls into user code and also does some interesting logging (lets call this library A). A customer comes along and wants to use Autofac and log4net.

They file a feature request on your repository and you do what a good software engineer would do, you make an abstraction, A.ILogger and A.ICanActivateYourCode and you make 2 new libraries. A.Log4Net and A.Autofac. Rinse and repeat this process with libraries A to Z

What you end up with are different abstractions that all look the same but nobody wants to take a dependency because that’s a big deal. What if it’s the wrong one, what if that package goes away? The benefit needs to be huge in order for your core library to pull more deps.

So a customer that wants to use A, B and C with log4net and autofac install. A, B, C and A.log4Net, A.Autofact, B.log4Net, b.Autofac, C.log4net, C.Autofac.

I call this glue library hell. There are insufficient shared abstractions that exist, therefore everyone makes their own.

Not to mention you have to hope that enough of the API for the underlying libraries are appropriately exposed so that you have a consistent way to configure them.

David’s point was that we have a million of the same implementations, but they’re ever-so-slightly different.

So what’s the ‘right’ way?

Ah yes, what is the ‘right’ way?

Well, due to the nature of logging, we are always adding a message / thing to the log, we’re never actually doing anything else. As a result, the “right” way to take a logging dependency is not ILogger, but is instead an Action<string>. That is: a function that you pass a message to.

Wait, what do you mean?

Back to our original example, let’s say we have a function DoWork, and DoWork takes an ILogger:

private static void DoWork(ILogger logger)
    for (var i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
        logger.Log(LoggerLevel.Information, "Test");

This seems straightforward. “Yeah, you log the whatever with the Log method on the ILogger.” Sure, makes sense.

Calling this is straightforward:

ILogger logger = new BaseLogger();

And viola: we have logging.

But, we want to log with a function instead, so we replace DoWork:

private static void DoWork(Action<LoggerLevel, string> logger)
    for (var i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
        logger(LoggerLevel.Information, "Test");

Now, instead of taking the ILogger directly, we’ll take the Log function:

Action<LoggerLevel, string> logger = new BaseLogger().Log;

Curiously, this makes life much easier on the consumer, as now they don’t need a ILogger implementation (and that whole abstraction is just gone), instead, they pass a function.

This means that the consumer can say “here’s a function that logs to AutoFac”, or “here’s a function that logs to log4net”, etc.

Even moreso: our implementation is now compatible with any other utility using a logger (should they all use function logging). The same function can be slightly reworked for each utility, assuming they don’t share a LogLevel. You just wrap it with a very quick lambda and life is good.

But wait, there’s more.

There’s one more thing here we should evaluate, which is the obvious: what about performance?

Ah yes, the age-old “is it fast, though?” question.

Everyone wants to make sure their code is fast, they want to make sure they don’t have any performance loss. Why? I don’t know, it’s always something superficial.

So, is it fast? This is a good question, I guess.

Of course, me being me, I benchmarked various types of logging and threw it on GitHub, but the overall consensus was: it is as fast, or faster.

(Sidebar: the nop in the F# version is because of this bug. Looks like Don Syme has thoughts on how we can fix it.)

The Full Results

So I just ran my benchmark alet it do it’s thing, I’ve put the full result below:

// * Summary *

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.11.4, OS=Windows 10.0.17134.407 (1803/April2018Update/Redstone4)
Intel Xeon CPU E3-1505M v6 3.00GHz, 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=3.0.100-preview-010184
  [Host]     : .NET Core 2.1.7 (CoreCLR 4.6.27129.04, CoreFX 4.6.27129.04), 64bit RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET Core 2.1.7 (CoreCLR 4.6.27129.04, CoreFX 4.6.27129.04), 64bit RyuJIT

|                  Method |      Mean |      Error |     StdDev |    Median | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen 0/1k Op | Gen 1/1k Op | Gen 2/1k Op | Allocated Memory/Op |
|------------------------ |----------:|-----------:|-----------:|----------:|------:|--------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|--------------------:|
|               LogDirect |  33.42 us |  0.4143 us |  0.3673 us |  33.36 us |  0.62 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|             LogDirectFs |  35.46 us |  0.6995 us |  1.4755 us |  35.60 us |  0.68 |    0.04 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|         LogViaInjection |  53.94 us |  0.5640 us |  0.4710 us |  54.11 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|       LogViaInjectionFs |  56.81 us |  0.9890 us |  0.8259 us |  56.72 us |  1.05 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|          LogViaCallback |  47.99 us |  0.5204 us |  0.4868 us |  47.91 us |  0.89 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.27 KB |
|        LogViaCallbackFs |  50.81 us |  0.3474 us |  0.3250 us |  50.81 us |  0.94 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.27 KB |
|            LogObjDirect | 666.71 us | 12.3811 us | 12.7145 us | 664.47 us | 12.38 |    0.32 |    185.5469 |     92.7734 |           - |          1093.84 KB |
|          LogObjDirectFs | 668.30 us |  8.1078 us |  6.7704 us | 664.00 us | 12.39 |    0.15 |    185.5469 |     92.7734 |           - |          1093.84 KB |
|      LogObjViaInjection | 709.30 us | 12.1255 us | 11.3422 us | 706.69 us | 13.14 |    0.26 |    185.5469 |     92.7734 |           - |          1093.84 KB |
|    LogObjViaInjectionFs | 705.13 us |  6.9833 us |  6.5322 us | 705.46 us | 13.07 |    0.18 |    185.5469 |     92.7734 |           - |          1093.84 KB |
|       LogObjViaCallback | 671.84 us |  6.9447 us |  5.4220 us | 673.47 us | 12.44 |    0.11 |    185.5469 |     92.7734 |           - |           1093.9 KB |
|     LogObjViaCallbackFs | 669.24 us |  4.6712 us |  3.9007 us | 670.10 us | 12.41 |    0.09 |    185.5469 |     92.7734 |           - |           1093.9 KB |
|         LogInlineDirect |  33.32 us |  0.3477 us |  0.3253 us |  33.24 us |  0.62 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|       LogInlineDirectFs |  33.43 us |  0.4313 us |  0.4035 us |  33.34 us |  0.62 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|   LogInlineViaInjection |  33.68 us |  0.6655 us |  0.7121 us |  33.39 us |  0.63 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
| LogInlineViaInjectionFs |  35.91 us |  0.8274 us |  2.4267 us |  35.15 us |  0.64 |    0.03 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|    LogInlineViaCallback |  49.10 us |  0.6939 us |  0.6491 us |  49.02 us |  0.91 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.27 KB |
|  LogInlineViaCallbackFs |  51.15 us |  0.5555 us |  0.5196 us |  51.01 us |  0.95 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.27 KB |
|  LogInlineDynamicDirect |  76.38 us |  1.4895 us |  1.9884 us |  75.43 us |  1.43 |    0.05 |     18.7988 |      3.0518 |           - |            78.21 KB |

That’s a lot of benchmarking. Let’s crop that down:

|                  Method |      Mean |      Error |     StdDev |    Median | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen 0/1k Op | Gen 1/1k Op | Gen 2/1k Op | Allocated Memory/Op |
|------------------------ |----------:|-----------:|-----------:|----------:|------:|--------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|--------------------:|
|               LogDirect |  33.42 us |  0.4143 us |  0.3673 us |  33.36 us |  0.62 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|         LogViaInjection |  53.94 us |  0.5640 us |  0.4710 us |  54.11 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|          LogViaCallback |  47.99 us |  0.5204 us |  0.4868 us |  47.91 us |  0.89 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.27 KB |

Those are the three lines I want to look at.

First and foremost: the fastest way is to pass the BaseLogger class in directly (i.e.: no ILogger interface usage). That was pretty obviousl.

But, the next, interesting note is that the interface version is actually about 6us slower than passing the function within the interface. This is curious, not only is passing the function a more proper way to do it, but it’s also ever-so-slightly faster. (Granted, the margins are tiny and statistically meaningless, but it does prove that there is not discernable performance disadvantage, so that argument is now completely irrelevant.)

The only “bad” difference is that there was an extra 0.06KB allocated, but I assume that’s overhead for Action<>. It’s also such a tiny amount that if you’re using that (or the time, to be completely frank) for justification, you are not making the right decisions.

The only time the interface is a better option is if you are not passing it, but are doing things inline:

|                  Method |      Mean |      Error |     StdDev |    Median | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen 0/1k Op | Gen 1/1k Op | Gen 2/1k Op | Allocated Memory/Op |
|------------------------ |----------:|-----------:|-----------:|----------:|------:|--------:|------------:|------------:|------------:|--------------------:|
|         LogInlineDirect |  33.32 us |  0.3477 us |  0.3253 us |  33.24 us |  0.62 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|   LogInlineViaInjection |  33.68 us |  0.6655 us |  0.7121 us |  33.39 us |  0.63 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.21 KB |
|    LogInlineViaCallback |  49.10 us |  0.6939 us |  0.6491 us |  49.02 us |  0.91 |    0.01 |     18.8599 |      3.7231 |           - |            78.27 KB |

Here, you’ll note that the overhead of Action<> actually puts the callback version at a significant disadvantage, and a discernable disadvantage in this case.

In Summation

To summarize our discussion:

  1. Don’t make an ILogger, it’s unbecoming.
  2. Use an Action or Function, it’s much more dynamic and reusable.
  3. The only time this is not the case is when the logger is constructed inline with the thing being logged. Then use a regular function or class.

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